
QBLOCK® is a modern and flexible construction system that allows by simply interlocking the elements to create structures without limits in shape or size and to be able to easily edit at any time.
Cyclopean concrete blocks with very high resistance and durability. The shape, the weight, the particular contact surfaces allow them to be stacked, interlocking and giving them a very high resistance to cutting, becoming, in fact, a real megalithic structure.



The company developed the product and patented it, it needed an agency that was able to create and launch the brand, build an effective communication and marketing project so that the product was seen and tested.



The QBlock communication project starts from the creation of the brand and is developed with the material below the line necessary for commercial presentations and for those who request it online. The digital activities focused on the development of an agile and functional site for digital marketing and lead generation activities through social. We also produced promotional videos of events where the product was used. We also manage communication and fair stands.

Web site

